Cho Ku Rei, known as the Power Symbol in Reiki, amplifies energy flow, strengthens healing, and provides protection. Reiki practitioners use it to clear negativity, set intentions, and accelerate the healing process. Whether drawn, visualized, or chanted as a mantra, this symbol enhances spiritual growth and energetic balance.
Many Reiki healers incorporate this into their daily practices to intensify energy, remove blockages, and create an energetic shield around people and spaces. But how does it work? In this guide, explore the meaning, benefits, mantra, pronunciation, and practical uses of this symbol in Reiki healing.
Cho Ku Rei Meaning

It translates to “Place the power of the universe here” or, in some interpretations, “God is here.” This Usui Reiki symbol consists of a spiral that moves inward or outward, intersected by a horizontal and vertical line, resembling a coiled energy force.
Reiki practitioners use this symbol to intensify healing energy and act as an energy switch that amplifies or seals Reiki power. At the start of a session, this symbol increases the energy flow, while at the end, it locks in the healing effects.
Cho Ku Rei Symbol Benefits
1. Amplifies Reiki Energy
It strengthens the flow of Reiki, boosting the intensity of healing sessions and making them more effective.
2. Removes Negative Energy
Reiki healers use this symbol to clear negative energy from people, places, and objects, ensuring a purified and positive environment.
3. Strengthens Intentions
It directs energy with precision, making it a valuable tool for healing, protection, manifestation, and emotional balance.
4. Protects Energy Fields
By drawing or visualizing this symbol, Reiki practitioners create a protective shield against negativity and external disturbances.
5. Enhances Physical Healing
This symbol speeds up the healing process, helping relieve pain, strengthen immunity, and accelerate recovery from illnesses and injuries.
6. Aids in Manifestation
It supports manifestation by amplifying energy directed toward goals like abundance, success, and positivity.
7. Balances Chakras and Energy Flow
Applying this symbol to chakras clears blockages and harmonizes energy flow, making it a key tool in chakra healing.
Cho Ku Rei Mantra and Pronunciation

Cho Ku Rei Mantra
Chanting the name of the symbol rapidly activates and enhances the Reiki energy flow.
Cho Ku Rei Pronunciation
It is pronounced as “Choh-Koo-Ray.” The vibration of the sound aligns with Reiki energy, increasing its effectiveness in healing.
Cho Ku Rei Symbol: Clockwise or Anticlockwise?
Many practitioners ask whether to draw the symbol clockwise or anticlockwise. Each direction serves a different purpose:
- Clockwise: Enhances energy, attracts positive forces, and strengthens protection.
- Anticlockwise: Releases negativity, clears blockages, and purifies energy.
Practitioners choose the direction based on the energy needs of a session.
How to Use Cho Ku Rei in Reiki Healing
1. Enhancing Reiki Sessions
Practitioners draw the symbol at the beginning of a session to intensify energy and at the end to seal the healing.
2. Energy Protection
Drawing the symbol over oneself or a space creates a protective energy shield against negativity.
3. Clearing Negative Energy
To cleanse objects or spaces, Reiki healers draw the symbol over them and set an intention to remove stagnant energy.
4. Healing Chakras and Body Parts
Applying the symbol to chakras or pain areas restores balance and enhances physical healing.
5. Manifestation and Goal Setting
Writing goals and placing Rei over them amplifies the intention and attracts positive outcomes.
6. Strengthening Other Reiki Symbols
Using Cho Ku with Sei He Ki (Emotional Healing) and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance Healing) increases their effectiveness.
7. Distant Healing and Time-Based Healing
Pairing it with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen allows Reiki energy to heal events across time and space.
Final Thoughts on Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei stands as one of the most powerful Reiki symbols, enhancing healing, clearing negativity, and strengthening energy protection. Whether used for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, its impact remains profound.
[…] to Use: Draw or visualize Cho Ku Rei at the beginning of a session to amplify healing energy. It can also be used at the end to […]